Ultra-High-Purity Heating
Designed with Ultra-High-Purity processes in mind, Process Technology delivers clean-room assembled, reliable heating and power solutions to fit specific needs.

TIH Steam
Designed for durability, performance and safety while heating chemicals/acids or ultrapure DI Water. PTFE surfaces for permeation protection. Suitable for single pass, recirculating and steam applications.

Lufran® Chemical Heater
Constructed with stainless steel wetted materials for heating a variety of chemicals. Suitable for single pass or recirculating applications. Complete high-wattage turn-key solution. Heats up to 356°F (180°C)

Low wattage, delivers superior indirect heating for chemicals and solvents. Choose SHB/Electropolished 316SS for solvents or SHC/PTFE & PFA wetted surfaces for acids and solvents.

Safe indirect, low-watt, multi-loop heating of acids and solvents with all PFA wetted surfaces. Allows for precise and stable temperature control of multiple chambers.

Designed for durability, performance and safety while heating chemicals/acids or ultrapure DI Water. PTFE surfaces for permeation protection. Suitable for single pass or recirculating and steam applications.

New – Compact heating solution for wet-process non-flammable chemistries. All PTFE tubing eliminates environmental exposure. Suitable for single or recirculating applications. Fast heat-up.