Quality Policy

Process Technology knows that all markets expect new and improved products and services. We will continually improve the solutions we provide to exceed our clients’ requirements and to produce finished work that we are proud of.

Process Technology has implemented a quality management system that complies with the international standard of ISO 9001 to achieve the aforementioned goals. It includes a commitment to meet the clients’ requirements, legal and regulatory requirements, and continually develop the system to ensure it remains effective.

Process Technology's Quality Policy is defined and strongly driven by the following management principles and behaviors:

  • Build a mutually profitable relationship with our clients ensuring their long-term success by understanding their needs and the needs of their customers
  • Enhance the analytical research and use of best preventive practices at all levels and ensure reliable risk management
  • Drive continual improvement based upon efficient business processes, well-defined measurements, best practices, and customer feedback and innovate new solutions to solve our customers’ problems
  • Develop team member skills, creativity, and empowerment through appropriate development programs while maintaining accountability through corporate goals. Show strong management involvement, commitment and responsibility for implementing and maintaining the quality management system

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