DSL Series Controllers
Did you know the dsl series controller has two optional outputs for recording process temperature?
May 2, 2024The DSL series temperature controller has two optional hardware configurations which enables process outputs. These outputs are connected to a remote device such as a datalogger or a PLC to monitor and record the process temperature.
The controller model DSL-MAR provides a 4-20mA process output.
The controller model DSL-VR provides a 0-10VDC process output.
These options can be included in new controls (C-DSL804-MAR-P2-LCA5 or C-DSL402-VR-LCA5) or a customer can install them into an existing control box as a field upgrade.
Did you know the dsl-series controller includes a fully configurable alarm menu?
May 2, 2024Extremely capable and convenient, the DSL-series temperature controller is the most versatile and has the most features of the entire Process Technology temperature controller line. One unique feature of the DSL-series controller is a separate relay output which is controlled by a fully configurable alarm.
Some of the configurable features of the alarm include the following:
- Program for high temperature alarm, low temperature alarm, or both.
- Set as a fixed temperature, or to follow SP1.
- Automatic or manual reset.
- Program output relay contacts to either open or close upon alarm.
- Inhibit the alarm function until the process temperature reached a non-alarm range.
- Program alarm to trigger with a temperature sensor error.
- Program alarm to trigger by an external event.